In Which I Return. Briefly. But Only to Solicit You.

Howdy y’all.  I’ll be the first to admit that I’ve been gone a long time.  Maybe I have a dramatic excuse of a story for this, and maybe I don’t, BUT I can at least say that I have been getting on with my life away from the computer and that is very important.  I’ve been DOING THINGS, guys.  Focusing on my FUTURE and suchlike.

Speaking of.  This isn’t a real post.  I’m just here to take advantage of you guys.  I’ve entered a scholarship essay contest recently, and the preliminary rounds of this contest are peer-judged!!! (This means YOU!!)  If you want to ensure I get to the final rounds and get my shot at winning a $1000 scholarship, it would mean so much to me if you clicked this link, entered your email address, and hit “Vote!”  (It’s SUPER easy–no blood sacrifices or nothing!)  You can vote every day from now until May 23rd–that’s a total of 18 votes you can contribute to the cause!  (More if you do it again on separate devices with different email accounts, coughcough.)  Any support is greatly appreciated, and if you could pass along the url ( (that last one’s a zero) that would be wondrous as well.  Thanks!!

4 thoughts on “In Which I Return. Briefly. But Only to Solicit You.

  1. Hi Kenzie. If you would also send that to bcsk@aol .com I can vote twice each day. Nice essay. I enjoyed it. Looks like a winner to me. Love. Grandma. 🙂

    Date: Tue, 6 May 2014 02:22:21 +0000 To:

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