Workout Log 7/2013

Keeping track of my training runs and attempts at strength-training sessions over the summer, in preparation for races and cross-country season.

Monday, 7/15/13:  45 minute bike ride in the morning, 15 mins strength training later

Tuesday, 7/16/13:  2.7 mile run on the hamster wheel

Wednesday, 7/17/13:  3 mile run on the hamster wheel

Thursday, 7/18/13: 2.5 mile super-speedy run with XC team…

& 30 minute yoga/strength training fusion DVD in the evening.

Friday, 7/19/13:  4 mile run with XC team, for which I was not ready.  Perished and curled up on the couch for the rest of the day.

Saturday, 7/20/13:  Lightly active LASER tag fun and some much-needed rest!

Sunday, 7/21/13:  Biked to the library and back to return some books–about 14 miles.

bike1Also found a super-special good luck charm on the path!

IMG_20130721_123031(And learned that my hands were in need of some moisturizer.)

Monday, 7/22/2013:  Nada, unfortunately.  Had a motivation crisis (or a let-me-just-eat-food-and-lounge-about-all-day crisis.)

Tuesday, 7/23/2013:  3.1 miles on hamster wheel!  (Ran for half an hour at 5 mph, then walked 13 mins at 3 mph)

Wednesday, 7/24/2013:  “Easy” run on the hamster wheel, except it was actually really hard.  2.3 miles.

Thursday, 7/25/2013:  


Don’t mock my speed.

Friday, 7/26/2013:

run2Oh goodness the XC girls are tryin’ to kill me.  You can see my pace was lagging considerably, but I actually made it without fainting (contrary to my predicted outcome)!  I feel a little–a lot–bad that I’m holding them up so much with my lack of speed, but I was really digging deep for this…really hot outside, too!  Drinking water when it was all over was something like a powerful spiritual experience.

+ 20 minutes of yoga, in the evening, in an effort to open and loosen up my hips (who handed in their resignation halfway through this run).

Saturday, 7/27/2013:  Another approx. 14-mile bike ride.  Little Bro was with us, so we had to slacken our pace a bit (it also may or may not have had anything to do with the fact that I was still really frickin’ sore), but we saw an emu along the bike path (in a pen, yes).  So…good ride.

Sunday, 7/28/2013:  Rest day! 🙂

Monday, 7/29/2013:  11 mile bike ride before Daddio left for work.

Tuesday, 7/30/2013:  A run was planned but not executed; 1 hr yoga.

Wednesday, 7/31/2013:  Had some bad shin/ankle pain??? on the hamster wheel, so forewent it in favor of the elliptical.  Half-hour elliptical workout, followed, later in the day, by a Peanut Butter Fingers strength workout.


Upcoming races:  

August 24–5k

Nearly a year in the future–Seattle-to-Portland Bicycle Ride

What say you?